2016年12月12日 星期一

[代購]The Round Nixie watch 美國真空管手錶

還記得2015年Jobs電影中Apple創辦人之一Stephen  Wozniak所配帶的真空管手錶嗎,科技與復古的結合彷彿讓我們置身光輝的黃金年代,現在美國的工藝家重新打造出來實品讓我們也有機會可以一睹風采


尺寸: 55mm*厚20mm 
錶帶寬度: 20mm 
重量: 60g(不含錶帶) 
外殼: 6061鋁合金 
顏色: 陽極黑
顯示管:B-5870S美國產 或 B-5870烏克蘭產
電池: CR2電池750mA

$27000 NTD 


The large round crystal shows off the workings of the watch - the tubes, battery, high-voltage power supply and setting controls are all visible. 

The watch features 12 or 24-hour time display mode, user-settable tilt angle, and easy time setting operation. The timekeeping rate is adjustable to permit regulation to within a few seconds a week. 

The two Nixie tubes are the widely available B-5870 type and are socketed for easy replacement in case of damage. (They have been known to develop short circuits between adjacent cathode plates as a result of mechanical shock.) These tubes have 0.6" (15mm) tall digits for easy reading in adverse conditions. 

Opening the case by unscrewing the ribbed cover reveals the time setting buttons, the battery and the tubes. The battery lasts several months, and is available at any drugstore. 



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